Beyond Big Tech: A Framework for Building a New and Fair Digital Economy

The Balanced Economy Project, IT for Change and People vs. Big Tech are pleased to release Beyond Big Tech: a framework for building a new and fair digital economy.

The White Paper sets out an initial high-level framework for states, policymakers, civil society, workers and others to dismantle Big Tech's concentrated power over digital ecosystems, and to encourage the emergence of a fair digital economy that is open, decentralised, democratic and serves the common good.

The White Paper is accompanied by a Manifesto, already signed by over 70 organisations around the world, backing a bold vision for a better, fairer digital world that serves people, workers and the planet.

Regulating to address structural causes – not just the symptoms - of harm to people and planet of concentrated monopoly power in the digital economy is long overdue.


European leaders risk increasing inequalities by turbo-charging failed “competitiveness” models